Zoology & Botany MCQs
Venus flower basket is common name of
(a) Leucosolenis
(b) Euplectella
(c) Sycon
(d) Euspongia
Ans. (b)
Euplectella (a sponge) is popularly called as Venus flower basket, which is found in deep sea water. These sponges are abundant near Phillipenes Island and West Indies.
Secondary host of Leishmania ?
(a) honeybee
(b) housefly
(c) sandfly
(d) Culex
Ans. (c)
Leishmania (a protozoan) is an intercellular parasite of mammals, which cause leishmaniasis. Its species L. donovani cause leishmaniasis (kala-azar) is man. Sandfly is secondary host (also vector of disease) of protozoan Leishmania.
Which is coelenterate?
(a) Sea pan
(b) Sea fish
(c) Sea urchin
(d) Sea cucumber
Ans. (a)
Sea pan is coelenterate, its zoological name Pennatula while sea urchin and sea cucumber are animal of phylum - Echinodermata. Sea cow is a mammal of order - Sirenia.
Which one disease is caused by Fasciola ?
(a) Taeniasis
(b) Liver rot
(c) Cysticircosis
(d) Gastritis
Ans. (b)
Fasciola causes a disease fascuoliasis (popularly known as rot of liver) is sheep. In this disease liver of animal is seriously affected and its functions become upsets.
Flame cells occur in membrane of phylum -
(a) Aschelminthes
(b) Porifera
(c) Coelenterata
(d) Platyhelminthes
Ans. (d)
In a phylum-platyhelminthes, excretion is brought about by special cells called flame cells. These cells open through one or more excretory pore to outside.
In earthworm ovaries situated in segment -
(a) 12th/13th segments
(b) 9th segment
(c) 10th segment
(d) 26th segment
Ans. (a)
In earthworm, a pair of ovaries are attached to the posterior side of septum 12/13 in the thirteenth segments.
Johnston's organ is found in
(a) head of mosquito
(b) antennae of mosquito
(c) abdomen of mosquito
(d) abdomen of spider
Ans. (b)
In mosquitoes the pedicel (second segment) of the antenna contains Johnston's organ. It perceive sound vibrations like an auditory organ (hearing organ).
Green glands found in some arthropods takes part in -
(a) digestion
(b) excretion
(c) respiration
(d) locomotion
Ans. (b)
Excretion in arthropods is usually carried out by green glands (in aquatic forms) while Malpighian tubules are excretory organ in terrestrial arthropods.
Pigment haemocyanin occur in blood of
(a) echinodermates
(b) chordates
(c) molluscs
(d) annelids
Ans. (c)
In Mollusca blood is usually blue due to the respiratory pigment-haemocyanin. This respiratory pigment contain copper, so appear blue colour of blood.
Shell is internal in -
(a) Loligo
(b) Dentalium
(c) Unio
(d) Chiton
Ans. (a)
Loligo (squid) is a fast swimmer carnivorous animal (molluscs), popularly called as sea arrow. This have narrow internal shell and ink glands that secretes ink.